When Marriage Gets Tough – Fulton Sheen Timeless Wisdom

The sound of wedding bells has stilled and “the perfect” white dress is stowed away in an attic. Now the flame of passion starts to wane, and the person you pledged your life to is getting difficult to live with. What to do? Master teacher and TV personality Fulton Sheen gives advice to couples who are going through tough times.

Please note: This advice is not intended for individuals in abusive relationships or dangerous situations. All struggling spouses are encouraged to seek out professional counseling and spiritual direction for their unique challenges.

This video is the fifth episode of the “Fulton Sheen Timeless Wisdom” project. The audio is part of “Marriage Problems” talk from the Fulton Sheen’s lessons on love and relationships. Listen to the whole talk at www.fultonsheen.com

Fulton Sheen, a teacher renowned for his clear explanations and deep insight, delivered hundreds of talks between the years 1950 and 1979. The “Fulton Sheen Timeless Wisdom” project attempts to bring his words to life for the internet age, illustrating segments of these lessons for a broad audience. Thing in a Pot Productions is happy to partner with Anthony Buono of FultonSheen.com to deliver a taste of Sheen’s wisdom. 

You may freely download, use, copy, transmit and distribute this video as long as you attribute it to Thing in a Pot Productions, and do not alter, transform, or build upon this work.


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