How to share your Catholic church's video so people actually see it

Catholic churches have a unique problem when it comes to sharing their videos. They don’t usually have a big screen in the sanctuary, and even when they do, there’s not really a good time during the liturgy to play a video.

The problem here is that we tend to forget that people exist outside of the pews. They’re in church for one hour on Sunday, but there are still 167 other hours during the week that you could catch them.

You just need to figure out where they are in order to reach them. And in order to do that, you need to pinpoint exactly who you need to reach. Chances are that not all your videos, especially ones that are for evangelization, are for people in the pews.

So - who are you trying to reach with a particular video? Are they in the pews, or not? 

Here are some ideas for sharing a video first with active parishioners, then with those who are completely new or unaware of your church.


Katie Rutter is the COO of Hundredfold Video. She has received multiple awards for her work, including the highest honor of the Cardinal John P. Foley Award by the Catholic Media Association in 2023, a nomination for a Chicago/Midwest Emmy in 2021, and being declared Video Producer of the Year in 2018 by the Catholic Media Association. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our video Mission Driven Marketing tips in your inbox every month!

Learn more about the Cardinal John P. Foley Award and its former recipients, including Fr. Mike Schmitz.


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