The Bonsai
Quality storytelling sure to capture viewers’ attention.
Up to 5 minutes final version
Up to six speakers on-camera
One full day of on-site* videography
Save $170 if you’re a non-profit! Contact us.
Quality storytelling sure to capture viewers’ attention.
Up to 5 minutes final version
Up to six speakers on-camera
One full day of on-site* videography
Save $170 if you’re a non-profit! Contact us.
Quality storytelling sure to capture viewers’ attention.
Up to 5 minutes final version
Up to six speakers on-camera
One full day of on-site* videography
Save $170 if you’re a non-profit! Contact us.
Additional Info:
ALL promotional packages include:
Full HD production including professional videography, lighting, sound recording and artistic editing
One-on-one planning session with the producer
Two crew members on-site
Free secondary camera upgrade
Complete color correction and audio sweetening
Background music
2D graphics and titles
Integration of your personality and branding
Video review and up to two rounds of revisions
Multiple versions optimized for high social media impact
Open or closed captions for viewing without sound
License to use, duplicate and share the video worldwide in perpetuity
*Additional travel fees will apply to videography conducted more than 60 miles from the 47408 area code.
Drone videography, 2 hours on-site* = $330
Extra hours of videography = $90/hr
Rapid turn-around = 15% of total
Additional crew members, professional styling = Ask for an estimate
Save $170 if you’re a non-profit! Contact us.