How to Avoid Hiring a Sub-Par Videographer
Within about two weeks, I had two clients come to me after getting burned by another video provider. In both…
Does Aloe Actually Work?
It is Fall and the baking season is upon us! Ready your sugar and spices and prepare for an onslaught of cakes…
The Plant With Scary Seeds
This is the time of year for watching scary movies. Some of these movies will slowly build tension and horror…
How to Create Buzz and Bonding
There were at least 50 people involved in our recent video on sainthood. A few were video professionals…
Deception at its Finest
Survival of the fittest doesn’t always have to be a vicious competition. Plenty of species grow and develop…
Why Video Crews Are Worth It
I take pride in being a one-man-band. For many of my shoots, I’m going solo and handling the lights, the visuals…
Video Showcases the Overlooked
There are an incredible amount of stars – we just can’t see most of them. That’s what I discovered while…
Peppermints and Memory – Fact or Fiction?
A new school year is about to start. Soon, young scholars will be back behind desks trying to remember odd…
When Tomatoes Were Terrifying
Who’s afraid of the big, bad . . . tomato? Despite its ubiquity in Italian cooking, the tomato is an all-American…
Interview vs. Teleprompter – Strengths and Weaknesses
Interview or teleprompter? If your video will include a person speaking on-camera, these are the two basic…
The Tree that Grows (Too Well) in Brooklyn
The world can be a tough, cruel place, but life always finds a way; That’s the core theme of Betty Smith’s…
An Easy Way to Save Time and Money on Your Video
Time on a video set is expensive – with the number of skilled workers and expensive equipment needed…
May Celebrations that Range from Fun to Revolutionary
Thank the Lord, it’s May! Pack up your winter coats and open up the windows! If you feel like celebrating the…
Why Kids and Animals are Worth the Effort
My camera was nearly nibbled by an alpaca. And a couple weeks later, a toddler almost caught hold of the lens…
Why Plants Need Winter To Grow
If you live in a temperate region, chances are your trees and shrubs are all still bare. Perennial plants go…
How to Give Your Event Videographer an Advantage
Surprises are great for parties, but not for videography. I recently filmed an event where the organizers did…
Start Your Garden… in February
Ready. Set. GROW! It may still be snowy outside, but that’s no excuse for not starting your garden. Plants grown…
A Trick to Sound Natural on Camera
Talking to a machine is hard. When a project requires the teleprompter, it takes some work to get an authentic…
The Original Heart-Shape
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means the arrival of heart-shaped decorations and candies galore…
My Biggest Tip for Newbie Videographers
“For all those fledgling people… what is your advice?” That’s one of the questions that host Andrew Lambert…